Friday, April 11, 2008


oooh, its FRIDAYYY! :D sighsss, what the heck is wrong with 4SC OMEGA?!! what the heck happened to the ppl in the class? seriouslyy. OH YEAHHH! EVERYONEE, 4OMEGA'S HAVING A FOOD SALE SOME DAY NEXT WEEEK OR THE FOLLOWING WEEEEK,. WE'LL BE SELLING LOTS OF GOODIE STUFF. the objective of this food sale is :
  • raise money for our class.

so comee ! we'll confirm the date later. sooooooo, mae sure you visit our blog and get updated with the dates and all. :D

that's all for today. :] oooh yeahh, planetshakers tmrww! woooohoo!


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