Monday, April 14, 2008

The mamak language.

mwahahahaha. superly funny. You guys should have been there.

So I was in a mamak shop in bangsar and this waiter asked me what I wanna drink and I said ice lemon tea. He looks a little confused but I just dismiss it lah. And when my drink came, it was teh tarik with ice and a lemon on the side of the glass. I was so shocked and everyone at the table just bursts out laughing so I start laughing too. Then I told him lah [ in english some more], 'this is not what I ordered.' And then he replied, 'tapi you order ice lemon tea, ape?'...then he points at the ice, the lemon and the tea and tells me really slowly, 'ini ais, ini lemon, and ini teh.' I could have smacked him on the head lah. damn annoying.

Ok, I get it. He did make sense and I did make a mistake. I should have said teh o ais limau but no one said I was a genius at the mamak language. Everyone couldnt stop laughing at me. All the way home they were making fun of me. lol lah. stupid waiter.

-the only one who uses ciao-


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